Saturday, January 18, 2014

Such a great girl I have!

I didn't get a chance (or have the energy) to update this week which I'm sure I've missed a lot, but it was an insane week of tantrumming and getting beat up by a student. It was ridiculous. By the time I got home each night and Ainslee to bed, I was wiped out and went to bed. 

On brighter notes, Ainslee full of imagination tonight:

1) She was playing with legos in the living room and a couple went under the couch so I had to go retrieve them. To do so, I had to get a small flashlight. It just so happened to be red. After finding the blocks, Ainslee looked at my hand and said, "red, please." I gave her the flashlight and she proceeded to look at me and say, "say ahhhhhhh." I said "ahhh" and she held the light into my open mouth. Then I told her to say "ahhh" and she opened her mouth and I looked in her mouth (for less than half a second before she closed it). Apparently my flashlight was reminding her of her dental screening a week ago at school. 

Then, just a few moments after the flashlight scenario, it was time to go potty. Ainslee asked for her cowgirl hat. She was saying, "howdy, cowboy" as we walked to the bathroom. I said, "howdy, cowgirl" in which she promptly responded with, "howdy, ma'am." 

Also before bath, I heard her correctly use a pronoun, "my." She wanted in my lap after her milk and said, "sit in my mommy's lap." It was sweet. :)

She also, at the end of Bubble Guppies, heard Nonny sneeze and she very appropriately responded with, "bless you." 

My sweet girl never hesitates to amaze me.

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