Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mommy's Girl...

Today was a fun day with Ainslee. An early day (7AM) but a fun day. She was very much into being around me today which I'll take, but it was moreso than usual. She typically drinks a cup of milk after she eats her breakfast, after she eats her lunch, after she eats her dinner, and before her bath. Today though, she would say, "sit with Mommy's lap" and crawl in my lap to have her milk. She also started wanting me to sit under her blanket with her a LOT today too. She got mad at me a couple of times when I wouldn't because a) it was time to change a poop diaper or b) it was time to eat, and finally c) I was trying to put lotion on her after bath but couldn't see her legs and such under the blanket. Those moments were rough but we worked through it and I got her to wait. She's doing okay with reasoning lately (i.e. you can sit under the blanket with Mommy after you eat, and so forth). I told Corey that tomorrow we should attempt to build a fort.

I ordered Ainslee a firetruck a week ago because her favorite episode of Bubble Guppies is of Gil and the firefighters. We thought that if we got her a toy truck, she might play more interactively and maybe, just maybe, push it around. I let Corey be the good guy with Ainslee and give her the truck. He said her face lit up into a HUGE grin when she saw it. She then proceeded to play with it, piles her Bubble Guppies in it, make them go up and down the ladder, and she made the siren noises. Still not pushing the truck yet but it's only day 1.

Ainslee had an okay potty day today. She had two BM's, both in her pants, but several good dry trips to the potty to go pee-pee. Sometimes she gets to playing though and loses her dry streak. What's strange though is when we're out in public, she asks to use the restroom (because she likes them) and usually pees. For example, we went to Salsa's for dinner and she said 3 times "want to go potty" and so I took her and she peed in the potty. After dinner we went to Academy Sports and no sooner got in the door than she said, "want to go potty" so we took her. She peed in the potty. If only she could be so "with it" at home. She has it out in public and at school but not at home. I have to be doing SOMETHING wrong.

Corey and I are working on letting Ainslee walk more by herself rather than immediately putting her into the confines of a cart when going to the store. She's doing better, staying with us, and listening pretty well. She also thinks it's fun to push the cart. My only worry about her being so mobile, even though we keep our eyes on her, is her getting snatched up or running off in an instant. We live in a very, very scary world. It's bordering on a fear of mine. Autism or not, I'd worry, but especially since she has autism. Anyway, she was a good girl at Academy Sports and I got some silly pictures of her.

Today's 30 Day Mom Challenge was, Tell your child, "I am so glad that you are my son/daughter, which I did and have tried to do a lot since I saw this challenge posted on Facebook before December 30. It's a good thing to practice and good thing for kids to hear, especially this day in age. I am so glad she's my daughter, through and through. I love her with every ounce of every thing that I have. I could not (and do not want to) imagine a world without Ainslee. She is the best, most sweetest, little thing! I am so, so lucky...

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