Today Ainslee stayed home with her daddy while I worked. Preschool and Autism Academy were cancelled due to the 2 hour delay for Aiken County Schools today. That part sucked because Ainslee loves school and does so well; however, getting to sleep in until 8AM and get ample time to hang out with my daughter was AWESOME before I had to work. It's hard to leave my baby girl after so many days with her. Corey said she did well with him though. Tonight when I got home, she was doing awesome. Not only did she ask me twice this morning to go potty (though she never did), once on the "little potty" and once on the "big potty," she also asked me tonight to go potty. She never went then either but I guess it's still progress and a start. At least now something is telling that sweet little mind of hers to ask to go potty. I'll take it.
Ainslee was also talking a lot tonight, though not so much functionally, but using longer sentences and saying more. She has a book that I got her memorized but has magnets to fill in pictures as a story is read. She does that independently now because, well, she has the story memorized. Photographic memory at it's finest. She also sang several songs (more than usual since she has figured out more words) and we read several new books that I got in the mail for her today from Amazon. I got her a couple books about teeth and the dentist (she goes to her first appointment next Wednesday) plus some other fun books (such as Bubble Guppies, her favorite.
To catch up on 30 Day Mom Challenge, I didn't give an update yesterday but I have been doing them. On Sunday I mistakenly did #6 instead of #5 so I vowed to still complete #5 yesterday, which I did. #5 was, "say to yourself, he's only __________ years old. He's still a child. Then, treat him that way" though the concrete person in me corrects "she" every time. Every day when Ainslee does some things, I have to tell myself "she's only 3" rather than get annoyed or question it. When I'm about to wipe her mouth because she has spilled food, I tell myself, "leave her alone, she's only three." Or when she's running through the house like a madwoman, singing and crashing in to things" I tell myself, "easy killer, she's only 3." And when I worry that she's not doing some academic things right or she's not portraying hand dominance, I hear Sweet Babs, her teacher, saying, "chill out Kim, she's only 3."
Number 7 in the 30 Day Mom Challenge was a little tough on a day that my child could not go to school. Turns out she can't go AGAIN tomorrow (insert disappointed face here) due to another 2 hour delay and cancellation of preschool classes. I wrote Ainslee a note for her lunchbox that said "I love (symbolized by a heart) you" for her lunchbox but it's on "hold" to go in until she can go to school. Bums me out but I tried! Does that count? If school is a normal day Thursday, maybe I can FINALLY get it into her lunch box.
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