Sunday, January 26, 2014
Mommy's Little Helper...
I'm not sure what was up with Ainslee's biting but I have narrowed it down to two things: 1) either something (or someone) was different at school or 2) (and I think the most plausible) she was tired. Silly girl refuses to nap in the afternoons at Gigi's house so, essentially, she's not getting as much sleep as she usually does. On the flip side, she's been refusing naps for a long time so that could be a negative cause; she was having biting problems last week. Corey was off on Thursday so he picked her up, she napped when they got home, and she had a good day Friday. With that said, maybe she was tired but maybe the biting was due to just coincidence (and maybe something to do with the weather, and the crazy cold temps that floated in to SC last week).
Otherwise Ainslee is doing great: imitating more, saying more, and just blossoming! :) Love that girl.
Monday, January 20, 2014
And so the long weekend is over and tomorrow begins another whirlwind week. At least I have my girl to come home to. Oh how I love her.
Ainslee had a good weekend; lots of playing and silliness. On the flip side and not so great, a couple of attempts at biting on Friday and today when she was mad. She learns quickly though and we learned this weekend that putting her toys in a brief time out is more effective than trying to put HER in time out....especially when it's her Bubble Guppies.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Such a great girl I have!
On brighter notes, Ainslee full of imagination tonight:
1) She was playing with legos in the living room and a couple went under the couch so I had to go retrieve them. To do so, I had to get a small flashlight. It just so happened to be red. After finding the blocks, Ainslee looked at my hand and said, "red, please." I gave her the flashlight and she proceeded to look at me and say, "say ahhhhhhh." I said "ahhh" and she held the light into my open mouth. Then I told her to say "ahhh" and she opened her mouth and I looked in her mouth (for less than half a second before she closed it). Apparently my flashlight was reminding her of her dental screening a week ago at school.
Then, just a few moments after the flashlight scenario, it was time to go potty. Ainslee asked for her cowgirl hat. She was saying, "howdy, cowboy" as we walked to the bathroom. I said, "howdy, cowgirl" in which she promptly responded with, "howdy, ma'am."
Also before bath, I heard her correctly use a pronoun, "my." She wanted in my lap after her milk and said, "sit in my mommy's lap." It was sweet. :)
She also, at the end of Bubble Guppies, heard Nonny sneeze and she very appropriately responded with, "bless you."
My sweet girl never hesitates to amaze me.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Short night
On another note, dinner was kind of a bust tonight. I tried something new, spinach ravioli, and she took 2 bites and was done. This is what I tried: I figure 2 bites is better than none, yet I'm still baffled by how she'll eat stage 3 Earth's Best Spring Vegetables and Pasta ( baby food but not this. Anyway, she eventually ate cottage cheese & applesauce, chicken and vegetable soup ( yes, a stage 3 Earth's Best food, shoot me, but I want her to get nutrients somehow), and 3 whole wheat Ritz crackers. Y'all can judge that I occasionally resort to stage 3 food, but I want my girl to get a variety of veggies (and nutrients) however she can. Picky eating calls for desperate measures. Between this method (mostly squash, the soup I gave her tonight, and broccoli/carrots), canned sweet potatoes, and mixing corn, green beans, peas, and/or carrots in pasta, plus giving her V8 Fusion juice to drink, that's how I get fruits and veggies in her. She still likes some veggies as stage 3 baby foods (as I slowly transition her to "real" versions of it). If that makes me a bad mom, oh well. It's getting her veggies in her.
Of the 30 Day Mom Challenge, I met it without even looking at it today: Do not criticize your child today. I try to never criticize Ainslee or tell her what she did wrong. I either tell her "good trying" or try to errorless teach her. If I can't errorless teach her, I praise her for what she did do and try to correct her from an incorrect choice to a good choice or we try again. If she doesn't get it, I say "good try" and move on. Criticizing kids only discourages them so I do what I can to encourage and build her up. I'm not going to be the parent who completely frustrates their kid (at least not on purpose). I would hate and feel terribly guilty if that ever happened.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Ainslee had an okay potty day but a few accidents. She did awesome though, as always, when we went to Sam's. She requested the potty, as we knew she would, and peed in the potty. :)
I downloaded Ainslee a game today on my Kindle and Ainslee loved it! We played it after lunch and after dinner. It's really cute. If you have a Kindle Fire and your kid likes Bubble Guppies, search the Kindle store for Bubble Guppy apps. The app is here: If your kid has never watched Bubble Guppies, then they should. It's so cute (and educational)!
For 30 Day Mom Challenge, today was, pray for wisdom which I did. I try to pray every now and then for stuff, though I may not be the greatest Christian or attend church regularly, but I do pray every now and then. I notice, also, that when I pray it's usually about that sweet girl of mine about matters of her happiness and me making the right choices to help foster that and her development.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Mommy's Girl...
I ordered Ainslee a firetruck a week ago because her favorite episode of Bubble Guppies is of Gil and the firefighters. We thought that if we got her a toy truck, she might play more interactively and maybe, just maybe, push it around. I let Corey be the good guy with Ainslee and give her the truck. He said her face lit up into a HUGE grin when she saw it. She then proceeded to play with it, piles her Bubble Guppies in it, make them go up and down the ladder, and she made the siren noises. Still not pushing the truck yet but it's only day 1.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Focus of the Day, within 5 minutes, is PURE JOY
As a result of the above, the 30 Day Mom Challenge task for today has been met, Today's mom focus: Joy. Mission completed. And, in general, that child brings me joy because she exists and is so wonderful. I love her so much and have been so blessed to get to be her mother. I couldn't ask for a better or more perfect little girl.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
So, regrettably, the hustle of bustle of being back as a full time teacher and mommy has put me a little behind on my updates (and have made me quite tired).
Ainslee had a good first day back to school on Monday but missed school Tuesday and Wednesday due to the 2 hour delays with Aiken County. It was 14 degrees overnight Monday night and 20 degrees Tuesday night so, thus, the delay. Preschool/Autism Academy was cancelled both days. She went back today, stayed dry all day, and had a good day. I'm beyond grateful that she had a good day. I am forever grateful to her teachers and therapists for instilling that love and making her look forward to coming to school each week!
We had a friend come by tonight whom we haven't seen since before I got pregnant. In fact, he's only ever met Ainslee once, briefly, and it was so long ago (and sporadic) that I don't even know how old she was. Though she was Ainslee tonight and not a social butterfly, I did get her to share her cookies with both daddy (which is normal) and Caleb. She didn't know Caleb nor did she know his name but, I think, this is how smart she is: she didn't know Caleb so when I handed her a cookie and said, "will you give one to Caleb?" She kind of cocked her head, took it, walked into the living room, looked at the stranger that is actually Caleb, and fed him a cookie. Not hand him the cookie but walked up to him and shoved the cookie in his bearded (and lip ringed) mouth. She did it not once but 3 times. :) And by time 3 she was saying, "Caleb, Caleb, Caleb." When she had one cookie left I asked her who she was going to give it to, thinking full and well it would be Daddy, but she walked right up to Caleb and gave it to him. ;)
30 Day Mom Challenge is a bit behind and I think I may have missed one or two with work simply because I couldn't keep up with them daily. I definitely missed #8: Calculate how many weekends are left until your child graduates from high school. I am math stupid and don't know how to do this (nor do I have the brainpower). I'm sure it's not that difficult. If someone wants to help with this, it'd be interesting to know. #9 I think I also failed at because it was, Picture yourself at your child's age. Remember how you felt. There is no memory left in this brain of mind; I do not remember anything about myself when I was 3. None. Nada. I can't remember if I blogged on day #7 but I did do that one, Leave a sweet note for them. There was one in her room on Tuesday and I've already put one in her lunchbox for tomorrow. I'm hoping someone will read it to her. ;) I'm sure they will though. They're good like that at school.
On another note, I'm so sleepy and so was Ainslee. She was SO ready for bed (that's what happens when you refuse to nap after school for Gigi). ;)
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Catching Up...
Number 7 in the 30 Day Mom Challenge was a little tough on a day that my child could not go to school. Turns out she can't go AGAIN tomorrow (insert disappointed face here) due to another 2 hour delay and cancellation of preschool classes. I wrote Ainslee a note for her lunchbox that said "I love (symbolized by a heart) you" for her lunchbox but it's on "hold" to go in until she can go to school. Bums me out but I tried! Does that count? If school is a normal day Thursday, maybe I can FINALLY get it into her lunch box.
So it's after midnight but consider this my Monday post. Not as much to report as in days past. I had to go back to work today and work late finishing 2 IEPs. I feel like I barely got to see Ainslee. :( She sang to Fallout Boy on the drive home, played on the Kindle some, and we read a couple books before her shows and bedtime....
2 hour delay tomorrow. Corey is staying home with Ainslee. I'm jealous. Missed my girl today. :(
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Pajama Day
We stayed inside but we had fun. We jammed to a Yo Gabba Gabba CD, read some books, made her valentines already for school (yes it's early, I get this), played with Bubble Guppies, and I let her watch one TV show and one Sesame Street DVD. We'll play some more tonight as we try to get back on track for school. I made her a calendar for January that has the days she has school, the days that Cameron rides to school with us, the day that she'll go to the dentist (her first time), and when Aunt Amy is coming to visit. It's hung on her table by her bed. She doesn't seem to mind when I tell her tomorrow we go to school because she seems to love school. We'll see how happy she is in the morning when I get her up at 6:30AM. Her backpack is already packed, note for her teachers in her folders, her clothes are laid out, and before I go to bed her lunch will be packed (with her favorites) so if it's hard to get her awake in the morning, at least the small things are already out of the way.
Ainslee did a little better today on the potty by about afternoon. We set the timer for every 20 minutes as usual and Corey bought her a sticker book (Sesame Street) from the dollar section of Target. She looks through them and picks out a sticker but we won't actually give her the sticker until she pees. It worked a bit today. I hope it'll continue. Since nap she hasn't had much luck (back to peeing in pull-ups) but hopefully we can turn that around. Our goal tonight, too, is to be in bed by 9PM at the latest. After research on the internet and emailing her pediatrician on Facebook AND getting a response already, I'm going to give her a little dose of melatonin tonight to help her get to sleep. I'm hoping that once she's back to her school schedule and refusal to nap after school at her Gigi's house, she'll go to bed without the need for melatonin.
In the 30 Day Mom Challenge today, I goofed and did #6 instead of #5 so today what I did was, Bake, make, or buy them their favorite food. I hope what I did isn't cheating but it's truly her favorite food: Spaghetti O's. I bought her a small can AND I even let her eat it without being laced with veggies. She ate the ENTIRE can and did good feeding herself as long as I scooped for her. I also noticed that she eats way better with her right hand than her left. I'll reverse and do #5 tomorrow.
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The valentines that we already made for Ainslee's friends at school. Fun and free! |
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She ate the entire can of Spaghetti O's! |
Friday, January 3, 2014
I went to get a haircut and visit Books-A-Million while she napped but Corey got her up while I was gone since the haircut took longer than I expected. I used my gift cards, as is typical, to buy Ainslee two books and a puzzle. When I got home, she was fussy and not wanting to come out of her bed. I assumed it was because her routine was different; Mommy wasn't home to get her up from nap. As soon as I gave her the new puzzle, which had numbers on it, she perked up and was herself. She let me read her one of new books followed by the other book which is a magnetic book where certain words are highlighted and we have to put the highlighted words' pictures on the page to illustrate the story. She liked it. She also particularly loved the firetruck and ladder magnets because they reminded her of one of her favorite Bubble Guppy episodes about firetrucks. So she didn't lose the small magnets, I quickly got on Google Images and pasted a picture of a firetruck and ladder into Word, made them bigger, printed and laminated, and gave them to her. She was delighted and carried them around the house for a good 45 minutes before she decided she wanted my phone. ;) Once again, the free gifts trumped the store bought (though she likes them too, especially the puzzle).
Randomly today on the potty also, I sat Ainslee down and realized her pull-up was wet. I said, "oohhhhh Ainslee, you peed in your pull-up instead of the potty" and she promptly replied with, "it's okay, Mommy!" I don't know where it came from but the spontaneity and appropriateness of it made me happy (despite being slightly discouraged that she yet again didn't pee in the potty).
Today was day 3 of the 30 Day Mom Challenge I'm doing. Today was, Hug your child three times today." Again, this is easy. I hug her as much as I can every day. I hugged her more times than I could count and not just because of the challenge. She's a sweet girl who, thankfully, loves her mommy (she's my shadow most of the time) and squeezes. :) So, another successful completion of the challenge. 3 days down, 27 to go. Piece of cake.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
A great day...
Secondly, tonight we went to Petsmart to get the dogs new beds and some dog food. We let Ainslee walk instead of ride in the buggy. She did AWESOME and while it's second nature for her to reach for our hands when she's walking, we did let her go some and she stayed with us. If we told her to "come here" or "stay here" she listened well. She had moments of happy hopping and jogging away (particularly when she saw the different colors amongst the dog beds). She also had her first moment of pushing the shopping cart (and I must add that it had two dog beds and a 20 pound bag of dog food on it). She was over the moon with happiness doing it! I had to help her steer, but she did it! :) My awesome girl. There are also pictures of THAT on Facebook.
Also, day two into the 30 Day Mom Challenge was completed. Today was easy: Go the whole day without yelling. In general, I don't yell at Ainslee. I don't think it's productive and what kid wants to be yelled at? So, I was successful in today's task. :)
Overall, a fantastic day. It also ended after bath time with her curling up in my lap and letting me hug her. When I told her she could go tell her daddy goodnight, she said "no," remained curled up to me, and then just said "goodnight." I had to call Corey and he came into her room to get his kiss, poor fella. On the inside though, I was elated. I love that girl so much and even though her kisses are prompted and she doesn't say, "I love you," I know that she does love me.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
30 Day Mom Challenge
I'm going to attempt to do this. I did number 1 today, "Ask: what is one thing we can do together this month?" I asked my Ainslee but, alas, all she did was repeat the question two times and then run happily off to get her Bubble Guppies. If it's an attempt, it still counts right?